While PdM Associates specializes in the paper industry, we have contracts and have performed regularly scheduled predictive maintenance (pdm) programs for a wide variety of industries, including chemical, metals, power, auto, and others. We are routinely asked to perform week long audits of existing predictive programs and databases which always reveal opportunity for short term and longer term improvements.

Vibe techs we have either mentored or have had us "supercharge" their databases routinely say we have "saved their bacon," that they wish they had met us years before.

What's different about PdM Associates?

Most vibration databases are inefficient. They were often built by very dedicated people but techs of those systems often need 25 years of experience to use them correctly. More of often than not, however, they are given only a few months and in some cases only a couple of weeks of software classes. As a result of their abbreviated training, their database choices often hide the  answers they should have obviously available to them.

At PdMAssociates, we make it easy for your folks to unlock the answers and look good doing it.

We have the latest, up to date and world's leading vibration hardware and software provided by Emerson CSI, Fluke Infrared equipment, SDT and UE ultrasonic gear. More importantly, our techs have experience as craftsmen, mtce supervisors, supts, prior to their full-time work with pdm.

Hendrix and Associates

Through our sister company, Hendrix and Associates, we train thousands of industrial plant mtce craftsmen, supervision, and enginers, all across America in hands-on precision mtce skills using countless simulators, both running and static, that we design and build right here in the USA.

We work for and can provide countless references in companies like International Paper, SCA Tissue, BP, 3M, Georgia Pacific, Southwire, Rock Tenn, Daikin America, Styrolutions, among others.

Always available NOW

When you call us -- 24/7, day, night, and weekends -- a real person picks up the phone rather than an answering service. We have lived in your world and know you need help RIGHT NOW when you need it.

We specialize in the more difficult "slow speed" equipment vibration and we love resonance and long term problems others have given up on.